110 research outputs found

    Assessing Students! and Teachers! Attitudes Toward ICT in the English Clasroom: A Case Study in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    El presente artículo pretende descubrir las actitudes de profesores y estudiantes en relación con el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en las clases de inglés de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las principales herramientas que hemos usado para este estudio han sido dos cuestionarios, uno de ellos proporcionado a los estudiantes, y el otro a los profesores. En ambos casos, hemos usado una muestra representativa de la población general sujeta al estudio. Los resultados demuestran que el uso de las nuevas tecnologías está generalizado en las clases de inglés. Tanto el profesor como el estudiante muestran actitudes positivas hacia el uso de estos apoyos para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, a la vez que disfrutan de ellos. En ambos casos, se prefiere el uso del ordenador al del DVD.This paper intends to reveal students' and teachers' attitudes to the use of new technologies in the English language classroom in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The main tools used for the analysis have been two questionnaires, one administered to students and a second one given to teachers. In both cases, we have used a representative sample of the general population to be analysed. The findings show that the use of new technologies is very widespread in the English classes. Both teacher and student participants offer a positive attitude towards the use of these aids as a good way to teach and learn, whilst enjoying what they are doing. In both cases, there is a preference for the use of the computer and the DVD

    Analysis of the presence of Anglicisms in a Spanish internet forum: some terms from the fields of fashion, beauty and leisure

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    The pervasive presence of English in Spain is unquestionable; indeed, a vast volume of literature has provided evidence of this fact. In this article, the remarkable presence of Anglicisms in a particular type of social media will be examined, namely the Spanish Internet forum enfemenino. The analysis covers three specific domains: beauty, fashion and leisure. The study focuses on a sample of English borrowings used in news articles published in this forum over the last 2 years (from January 2015 to March 2017). The findings reveal an increasing use of pure Anglicisms in the forum, whereas adapted Anglicisms, along with pseudo-Anglicisms, are not so common. These Anglicisms seem to be used for different reasons: the values of modernity and prestige associated with English, the lack of Spanish equivalents in some cases, the emergence of new concepts and innovations and, last but not least, the increasing influence that the Anglo-American culture is exerting on Spain. This raises the question of the extent to which these factors affect our sense of identity in Spain


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    The presence of English is undeniable in various areas of Spaniards’ daily lives, and the domain of leisure activities is not excluded of such a trend. This paper examines the presence of Anglicisms in sections: “Life and style”; “Culture, leisure and society” and “Sports” of the digital edition of the newspaper La Provincia (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) during the period from 1st March to 31st May 2019. The use of Anglicisms has apparently been increased throughout the last decades, considering a similar previous analysis (Luján- García, 1999). The compilation of a corpus of 207 Anglicisms reveals that the section “Life and style”, which compiles news of various fields (fashion, beauty, people, pets, gastronomy) presents the highest percentage of Anglicisms (65.2%). In the second position, “Culture, leisure and society” contains a percentage of 21.7% of the compiled corpus, and this is followed by “Sports”, with 12.9% Anglicisms of the sample. In qualitative terms, some examples of particular uses of the examined Anglicisms are studied in context, considering the whole sentence where they occur, in addition to the analysis of the orthographic markers employed, which tend to be quite inconsistent. Eventually, the pragmatic functions of these Anglicisms are discussed: specialized language, referential, expressive and textual functions, which will be illustrated with examples excerpted from the corpus.La presencia del inglés es innegable en variadas áreas de la vida cotidiana de los españoles. El terreno de las actividades de ocio no son una excepción a esta tendencia. Este artículo examina la presencia de anglicismos en tres secciones: “Vida y estilo”; “Cultura, ocio y sociedad” y “Deportes” de la edición digital del periódico La Provincia (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) durante el periodo del 1 de marzo hasta el 31 de mayo de 2019. El uso de extranjerismos y neologismos está presente en el lenguaje periodístico, sin embargo, estos usos parecen haber aumentado a lo largo de las últimas décadas, teniendo en cuenta un trabajo anterior (Luján-García, 1999) sobre el mismo periódico. A través de la lectura diaria del mencionado periódico, se llevó a cabo una recopilación de un total de 207 anglicismos. En términos cuantitativos, la sección de “Vida y estilo”, que abarca noticias de varios campos (moda, belleza, gente, mascotas, gastronomía) presenta el porcentaje más elevado de anglicismos (65,2%). En segunda posición, “Cultura, ocio y Sociedad” ofrece un porcentaje de 21,7%, seguido de “Deportes”, con un 12,9% de la muestra. En términos cualitativos, algunos ejemplos de usos de anglicismos son analizados en contexto, considerando la oración en la que aparece, así como el empleo de marcadores ortotipográficos, que presentan una gran inconsistencia. Finalmente, se analizan las funciones pragmáticas de estos anglicismos: lenguaje especializado, función referencial, expresiva o textual.The presence of English is undeniable in various areas of Spaniards’ daily lives, and the domain of leisure activities is not excluded of such a trend. This paper examines the presence of Anglicisms in sections: “Life and style”; “Culture, leisure and society” and “Sports” of the digital edition of the newspaper La Provincia (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) during the period from 1st March to 31st May 2019. The use of Anglicisms has apparently been increased throughout the last decades, considering a similar previous analysis (Luján- García, 1999). The compilation of a corpus of 207 Anglicisms reveals that the section “Life and style”, which compiles news of various fields (fashion, beauty, people, pets, gastronomy) presents the highest percentage of Anglicisms (65.2%). In the second position, “Culture, leisure and society” contains a percentage of 21.7% of the compiled corpus, and this is followed by “Sports”, with 12.9% Anglicisms of the sample. In qualitative terms, some examples of particular uses of the examined Anglicisms are studied in context, considering the whole sentence where they occur, in addition to the analysis of the orthographic markers employed, which tend to be quite inconsistent. Eventually, the pragmatic functions of these Anglicisms are discussed: specialized language, referential, expressive and textual functions, which will be illustrated with examples excerpted from the corpus

    Translation of film titles in spanish cinemas: english and/or spanish?

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    This paper has a twofold purpose. On the one hand, it intends to show some of the different strategies used when translating Anglo-American film titles into Spanish. With that purpose, an analysis of the three main linguistic functions (referential, expressive and vocative) has been carried out. The presence of people’s and places’ proper names in film titles is also considered. On the other hand, this article also includes a sociolinguistic approach of this study by means of the administration of a short survey to a small sample of Spanish cinema viewers of different ages in order to check whether they are able to understand the English titles, among other issues. El presente artículo tiene una doble finalidad, de un lado, pretende mostrar las diferentes estrategias empleadas al traducir los títulos de las películas provenientes básicamente del mundo anglo-americano a la lengua española. Para ello, se han analizado algunas de las principales funciones que se observan en los títulos (referencial, expresiva y apelativa). También se examina la traducción de títulos que comprenden nombres propios de persona o lugar. La segunda parte de este trabajo se centra en una aplicación sociolingüística de este estudio, ya que a través de la administración de una encuesta se indaga sobre si una pequeña muestra de espectadores españoles de distintas generaciones entienden los títulos en inglés, entre otras cuestiones

    Anglicisms in the Field of IT (GitHub and 3D Slicer): Multilingual Evidence from European Languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish)

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    This paper provides evidence of the noticeable adoption of Anglicisms in the professional field of IT by different European languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish). Two different domains, GitHub and 3D Slicer, have been examined, and a multilingual glossary has been created with the contributions of European and African engineers and technicians cooperating in the European project MACbioIDi. This multilingual glossary is a useful tool for engineers, as it provides equivalent terminology in these five languages. The use of the studied Anglicisms is documented with interviews to different engineers to verify the oral uses, and the written uses are recorded with examples in context taken from different Internet websites and forums. This is an interdisciplinary research that involves people from different areas of knowledge (linguists, engineers and technicians), and from different continents (Africa, America and Europe)

    Moodle como um ambiente de aprendizagem amplo e útil

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    This study provides updated data on the evolution of Moodle, which was initially seen as an e-learning platform intended to become a pervasive learning environment (PLE) with its multiple possibilities for higher education students and teachers. An online anonymous survey has been administered to a sample of 100 students of different degrees, and 32 teachers of different subject areas to find out their perceptions on the usefulness and improvement of our virtual learning platform at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Spain. Results show that this Learning Management System (LMS) is still regarded as a motivating space to support face-to-face instruction, but it has also been pointed out that it encourages knowledge building, pervasive learning and constructive interaction among its participants.Keywords: Moodle, e-learning, ICT, pervasive learning environment, higher education.Este estudo apresenta dados atualizados sobre a evolução do Moodle, que foi inicialmente visto como uma plataforma de e-learning a tornar-se um ambiente de aprendizagem amplo (Pervasive Learning Environment), com suas múltiplas possibilidades para os estudantes do ensino superior e para os professores. Uma pesquisa anônima on-line foi realizada com 100 estudantes de diferentes graus e 32 professores de diferentes áreas, a fim de conhecer as suas opiniões sobre a utilidade e a melhoria da plataforma de aprendizagem virtual da Universidade de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Espanha. Os resultados mostram que esse Sistema de Gestão de Aprendizagem (SGA) ainda está sendo considerado como um recurso motivador para apoiar a instrução face a face. Contudo, também foi apontado que, atualmente, esse sistema incentiva a construção do conhecimento, a aprendizagem estendida e a interação construtiva entre os seus participantes.Palavras-chave: Moodle, ICT, ambiente de aprendizagem estendida, educação superior

    Anglicism and taboo: axiological values of the pure Anglicism

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    La influencia del inglés en la lengua española en el ámbito del erotismo y la sexualidad ha dado lugar a un número considerable de anglicismos crudos para la designación de conceptos de la esfera sexual. Es el propósito de este trabajo examinar los valores axiológicos que el anglicismo presenta en el vocabulario sexual en el español europeo. Para ello, analizaremos los valores eufemísticos, disfemísticos y cuasieufemísticos que el anglicismo de naturaleza sexual presenta en un corpus léxico de anglicismos crudos extraídos del Diccionario gay-lésbico (2008) y del Diccionario del sexo y el erotismo (2011). El análisis realizado demuestra que las voces anglicadas utilizadas en la esfera sexual no sólo buscan atenuar los tabúes lingüísticos, sino que también se usan para ofender y degradar e incluso para que un grupo social monopolice una serie de voces alusivas a conceptos vitandos.The influence of English on Spanish within the field of eroticism and sexuality has led to a considerable number of pure anglicisms to designate sex-related concepts. In this regard, it is the aim of this paper to examine the axiological values that anglicisms present in Spanish sexual vocabulary. To this end, we will explore the euphemistic, dysphemistic and quasieuphemistic values that sex-related anglicisms present in a corpus of pure anglicisms excerpted from two dictionaries: Diccionario gay-lésbico (2008) and Diccionario del sexo y el erotismo (2011). The analysis reveals that English borrowings do not only veil the so called linguistic taboos, but they are also used to disparage and degrade and even as a sign of cohesion within a group

    SPECIAL ISSUE: Anglicisms in Domain-Specific Discourse: Fashion, Leisure and Entertainment

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    Current facts such as globalized markets and internationalization have led to the increasing spread of the English language as the main vehicle of cross-border communication, especially among speakers whose native language is not English. This role of English as a lingua francaof international communication in multilingual contexts has been studied and differently assessed by scholars, who have envisaged, on the one hand, a useful improvement of global understanding by means of a shared code (Seidlhofer, 2011) or, on the other hand, a dangerous reduction of the world’s linguistic diversity (Phillipson, 2008)..

    Anglicismos en la prensa digital regional canaria: Análisis del periódico La Provincia

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    A number of studies have documented the remarkable presence of Anglicisms in various areas of Spanish speakers’ daily life. This paper reports, with updated data, the penetration of English through the digital press. The presence of English has been examined in the digital edition of Canarian newspaper La Provincia (Spain) during the first term of 2019 aiming at showing how any reader and speaker is daily exposed to Anglicisms. The method, based on the manual reading and extraction of Anglicisms in all the sections of the newspaper, reveals that the most frequently used kind of Anglicism is the non-adapted one. Furthermore, using said method, the spelling markers and, finally, the functions of these Anglicisms in the analyzed press are discussed.Numerosos estudios han documentado una notable presencia de anglicismos en múltiples áreas de la vida cotidiana de los hispanohablantes. Este trabajo demuestra, con datos actuales, la penetración del inglés a través de la prensa digital. Se ha analizado la presencia del inglés en la versión digital del periódico canario La Provincia (España) durante el primer trimestre de 2019, con el objetivo de demostrar cómo cualquier lector y hablante de a pie está expuesto a anglicismos diariamente. El método, basado en la lectura diaria y extracción manual de los anglicismos hallados en todas las secciones del periódico, revela que el tipo de anglicismo más frecuente es el crudo o no adaptado. A partir de dicho método, además, se analizan los marcadores ortotipográficos empleados y se discuten las funciones de estos anglicismos en la prensa analizada